The PersonalAIz Platform is being delivered
Step 1: Download docker container from github:
Step 2: Unzip file.
Step 3: Load docker image on docker:
docker load -i /path/personalaiz_docker.tar
Step 4: Run PersonalAIz Docker image and bind export port to 50001:
docker run --hostname="pserver" -it --rm -p 50001:50001 ncsr/personalaiz:0.2 /bin/bash
Step 5: Start container services by executing
Step 6: Import PersonalAIz DB schema in HBase storage:
/opt/hbase/bin/hbase shell /opt/pserver_hbase_schema.txt
Step 7: Run "list" command to see the generated schema:
Step 8: Exit from HBase shell by typing exit:
Step 9: Detach from the Docker container by typing Ctrl+P+Q
Step 10: Initialize PersonalAIz platform by visiting on browser:
Change rootPassword with your desired password
Step 11: Attempt to login with Username: root and Password: the one tha you defined on previous step:
Change rootPassword with your desired password